Coming out of Lockdown News!!

Together with its clients (Team CIME), Creative Infusions Music Tuition has blossomed over the past year, and is re-organising for a May the 17th  in person lesson launch!

Here are a list of the outcomes of the last 12 months for Team CIME:

  1. 3 types of teaching mediums. In person lessons from HU5, Beverley in person lessons and Saturday morning online clients. Excellent business expansion and client uptake, including a waiting list
  2. CIME bespoke client exams as well as ABRSM exams are now offered to all clients. Note. You can take both!
  3. New business branding. Our colours are Black, Gold and White
  4. New website with information for everyone.
  5. New business emails from 1st April.,
  6. New Clothing Line, proudly sharing the Team CIME spirit!
  7. Consideration of new team tutors
  8. Consideration of new business premises
  9. Windband starting 17th May

What’s been going on?

Well, you lot have been busy! Practicing and enjoying music as well as taking exams throughout lockdown. What a commitment to our learning!

CIME Director Rhiannon, has held online concerts for your entertainment and to keep the Team CIME spirit alive!  Firstly on the 29th of December there was an evening of piano and clarinet playing the music from Harry Potter. A fun evening for all ages!  Secondly, the long awaited repertoire by Rhiannon of Ludivico Einuadi’s ‘Una Mattina’ was performed online. This hour long performance (originally set to be a Black Tie Event) received great feedback and attendance.

CIME launched its Clothing brand and thinks you all look very smart in your hoodies and t-shirts. Next order date in June. Please see website.

Finally, here is a round up for your diaries.

17th May, lesson times change for many and in person lessons resume. Sunday 11th of July, mini jazz festival at CIME premises.

Posted in CIME Community.

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