Creative Infusions launch

CIME is known for its private, professional and creative music education. However, the Autumn brings the launch of ‘Creative Infusions’ to the local community.

Creative Infusions will be hosting creative events linked with music for clients and the local community. These events include;


 Autumn Creates evening – make your own pumpkin & enjoy homemade pumpkin soup & seasonal music. £20pp. Prebook open 1st September. In association with Catinthesack. To be held at The Avenues Centre, Park Avenue, Hull. Date tbc 23d October. 6.30-8.30pm


 CIME Christmas Tree Décoration session- Make  décorations  for the CIME Christmas tree- on display at Beverley Minster Christmas tree festival. £5 pp- to cover refreshments. Prebook open 31st October.Come and meet the rest of the Team! To be held at The Avenues Centre, Park Avenue, Hull. Date tbc 25th November. 6pm- 8pm.


                And with delight CIME presents

The Avenues Winter Festival- with a Ukrainian twist. Christmas music by CIME clients& choir, craft & local creatives market, festive edible treats, dance piano, best Christmas jumper, best Christmas outfit, best designed Christmas Cake competitions, and a visit from Santa!

Not to be missed for all clients! Saturday 10th December 1-4pm. Tickets & programme on door. £5pp. The Avenues centre, Park Avenue, Hull.


Stalls for the Winter Festival: Booking open now. £10. Please contact Grace from Catinthesack who is managing the creative market.

CIME Summer newsletter 2022

Summer Newsletter 2022

Dear Team CIME, friends, colleagues & supporters,

I usually start our newsletters with what’s been happening at CIME, but this time I am starting with what’s to come!

As you are aware, at its forefront Creative Infusions Music Education provides private and professional creative music education. Excitingly, as of October, we will be expanding our creative infusions side to the business.

Creative Infusions will be hosting creative events linked with music for clients and the local community. These events include;


 Autumn Creates evening – make your own pumpkin & enjoy homemade pumpkin soup & seasonal music. £20pp. Prebook open 1st September. In association with Catinthesack. To be held at The Avenues Centre, Park Avenue, Hull. Date tbc 23d October. 6.30-8.30pm


 CIME Christmas Tree Décoration session- Make  décorations  for the CIME Christmas tree- on display at Beverley Minster Christmas tree festival. £5 pp- to cover refreshments. Prebook open 31st October.Come and meet the rest of the Team! To be held at The Avenues Centre, Park Avenue, Hull. Date tbc 25th November. 6pm- 8pm.


                And with delight CIME presents

The Avenues Winter Festival- with a Ukrainian twist. Christmas music by CIME clients& choir, craft & local creatives market, festive edible treats, dance piano, best Christmas jumper, best Christmas outfit, best designed Christmas Cake competitions, and a visit from Santa!

Not to be missed for all clients! Saturday 10th December 1-4pm. Tickets & programme on door. £5pp. The Avenues centre, Park Avenue, Hull.


Stalls for the Winter Festival: Booking open now. £10. Please contact Grace from Catinthesack who is managing the creative market.

Now for your latest CIME achievements…..

A large number of you have been working hard on theory, practical and performance exams. Congratulations to all of you who have passed recently, and a special well done to Hannah and Charlotte who both attained Distinction levels in their theory exams. Your work ethic each week to achieve this has been exemplary.

Good luck to those still waiting on the outcome of their recent exams!

#CIME Projects week in June was also a celebration of achievement. Adult and child learners worked towards a genre performance of their choice and were recorded.Themes included Rock music, Irish folk music, Gaming music, Jazz.  Clients learned to work to a deadline, adapt their creative works to give the best performance and learn from discussion and feedback afterwards. The clients became artists!

Feedback from the wider public on social media has been very encouraging, one person saying, ‘This lad has inspired me to start learning some rock music myself on the piano. His rendition of Radio-gaga is epic’.


The projects week was a part of #MentalhealthprojectCIME, communicating and improving lives through music.



Also a part of this, will be the new CIME Community Choir!! Open to ages 16 and over, rehearsals will be once a week at £3 a session. Rehearsals for our Christmas event are set to start in September from hu5. More details to follow!


And finally….

So here we are at the beginning of the summer holidays, ready to mix music lessons with summer fun. As such, clients from next week will have the choice of learning inside at CIME on the piano or outside on the CIME keyboard.

 Please note, the latter option will be available only on wind and rain free days!

Looking forward to working with you all over the summer&autumn! Rhiannon.

#Team CIME












CIME Director achieves in exam

Today (18/7/22) brings some good news for Director Rhiannon who for the past 12months has been preparing to take an extra Grade 8 ABRSM performance exam for CPD. Today she has achieved it!

‘The process of this exam is entirely different to that of a practical exam, and I wanted to go through the process to support my clients taking performance exams properly.’

The outcome of this CPD, sets CIME apart from other private music education businesses, as its Director aims to keep up with modern exam types and continues to develop their skills.

‘I want clients to feel that CIME is a pioneering music and creative education business. Anyone who teaches with CIME needs to show commitment to self development for the benefit of clients. We must set the best example for future maestros!’